Artistic Vision

Assessing the past is one way to open the door to thoughts about the future. For years December and January have been devoted to combing through the past 12 months for directive hints about the next 12. Below are two paintings that have recently attracted comment and awards — “Morning Stirrings” and “ Holding at the Edge".

Similarities between the two include the techiques i.e., launching with a pour, ink brush line work and shaping, mapping shadow and depth through dry and side brush techniques as well as the messaging that is also similarly focused on liminal marshes, spaces magically and simultaneousy framing transformation and transition.

Will this continue to be my jumping off place for meditating on the Designer’s uniquely crafted plans? We’ll see…

“Morning Stirrings”

“Holding at the Edge”


“Living With the Land”


“Time: The Straight Stretch Between the Two Bridges”